Working with Homeowners’ Associations (HOA) isn’t always easy. Though they are usually beneficial to the residents, they tend to be large organizations that know precisely what they want and it’s often difficult to convince them otherwise. 

HOA and Residential Fencing 

Don’t Assume 

Just because a neighbor up the street has a great looking vinyl fence, doesn’t mean you should run out and get the same kind. While they may be under the same regulations, it doesn’t mean you should have the same one installed at your home. When it comes to your HOA, don’t assume. That neighbor may be paying costly fines for violating HOA regulations. 

Get Approval

Before you purchase or install a fence, make sure it is approved by the HOA. Though it may take a couple of weeks, this step is definitely worth the wait. Nobody wants delays or costly fines. 

Know Your Regulations

It is beneficial to understand your HOA’s regulations for any home project. When it comes to fencing, is a good idea to do your research and look at your options. 

Most HOAs prefer uniform fences for all homes so that the neighborhood looks cohesive. At Fence Central, our most popular fence amongst people who have HOAs to consider is by far a white vinyl fence.

In addition to being HOA favorites, vinyl fences are a good choice because of their longevity and low maintenance. Fence Central vinyl fences are covered by a manufacturer’s lifetime warranty and protected against U.V. damage. If you decide to invest in a vinyl fence, you can be sure you’ll never have to replace it.

Fencing plays a big part in your home’s curb appeal and security. If you aren’t certain about your HOA regulations, contact Fence Central. We can help guide you through your HOA’s requirements and ensure your fence looks great!