With homes being built so close to each other in Kissimmee and Winter Garden, it can be difficult to find the privacy you need. Having a peaceful outdoor environment is very important for collecting your thoughts and rejuvenating your soul.

But with constant noise from rowdy neighbors, busy streets, and barking dogs, it can make it impossible to get the peace and quiet you and your family desperately need. A fence, either vinyl or wood, will give the privacy you want.

How a privacy fence can turn your backyard into a beautiful oasis

Block out noise with a privacy fence

Whether you choose a vinyl or wood fence, the thickness of the material helps block out noise. Keep intrusive noise to a minimum. Such as rumbling engines, playing children honking horns, and that very loud barking dog that lives two houses down,

Protect your property

Unfortunately, security has become a major issue in our communities. A sturdy fence is a great way to protect your assets. An intruder is less likely to invade your property if heir prying eyes can’t see what is in your yard.

Security has become more important than ever. Having a fence installed is very proactive. It creates a physical barrier that stops animals and people from gaining access to your property without permission.

A fence is a deterrent for would be vandals and criminals. A solid and tall fence can stop an unwanted security breach.

Keep your children and pets safe

A well-maintained and tall fence can help your family feel safer. Not having to worry when the kids and pets are in the back yard. Knowing nobody is watching them or wandering into your yard.

Adding property value

If your fence is older, repair or replace your fence. Especially if most of the other houses in your neighborhood have fences, having a fence will increase the value of your property. A fence helps to define your space from the neighbors and is very attractive to families with pets and/or children. A fence can also help a smaller yard to feel bigger and more like an extension of the living space.

Fence Central 

A fence that is made from quality materials and professionally installed to last for decades. Making it a great investment that will grow in value. If you ever want to sell your home, a fence can help make your home more attractive and fetch a higher price.

Fencing plays a big part in your home’s curb appeal and security. If you aren’t certain about your HOA regulations, contact Fence Central. We can help guide you through your HOA’s requirements and ensure your fence looks great!