There are many factors to consider when it comes to a new fence for your Polk County home. While wood fences are popular, vinyl is giving them a run for their money. 

Vinyl fences are very low maintenance, which means after they are installed, you can basically forget about them. Unlike wood fences, that can succumb to environmental conditions such as sun, rain, and insects. They also typically need regular maintenance, which is time consuming and costly. 

Vinyl fences are very attractive, they come in a variety of styles and colors. Most Home Owners Associations tend to be picky about their appearances and require vinyl fences for their quality and overall aesthetics.

Why leave the installation of your new fence up to the professionals? 

First, a trusted professional fencing contractor will have the proper equipment. Without the proper installation your fence can be vulnerable to damage and costly repairs down the road. Also, improper installation can void the warranty. 

Second, the installation will be quick. With the proper experience, resources, training, and professional grade equipment, the fence will be up in no time. And you can rest assured it is done right.

Third, high quality materials without the high cost. Professional fence companies typically purchase their materials in bulk and pass on the savings to you. 

Fourth, save time and stress. Installing a fence is time consuming and often tricky, especially if you’re not used to this type of construction. Taking on a project this big can be very stressful. Getting everything level and straight can be very difficult.

For instance, do you know where your property lines are, the guidelines for your community, the proper equipment, codes in your area, and a good knowledge of construction? And these are a few things you need to properly install a fence. 

Fifth, this can be a game changer. Having your fence professionally installed can end up saving you money, when you factor in the tools and supplies you will need, post hole auger, miter saw, framing square, jigsaw, line level, and hardware such as brackets and screws. Then you also need to consider any delivery cost for the materials and removing old fencing material. 

The professionals at Fence Central have all the tools and equipment to get the job done right. And since we purchase in bulk,  you can really save. Most people end up paying less doing it themselves and you don’t have to do all that work in the heat.